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"8 March International Women's Day Opening Panel - In Memory of Ceren Damar Şenel" with Assoc. Prof. Bezen Balamir Coşkun, Dr. Burcu Özdemir Sarıgil and Assoc. Prof. Zeynep Alemdar

"Combating Violence Against Women and the İstanbul Convention" with Prof. Feride Acar

"From #MeToo to Nationalism to Voting: Doing a Gender Analysis Can Make Us All Smarter" with Prof. Cynthia Enloe

"A Conversation" with Prof. Cynthia Enloe

"Vulnerability of Masculinity, Masculinity of the Vulnerable" with Asst. Prof. Beril Türkoğlu

"Barriers to Women's Access to Justice and Istanbul Convention" with Prof. Gülriz Uygur

"Human Rights in the Light of Major International Conventions" with Prof. Şebnem Akipek Öcal

"(Do) Men Face Masculine Violence?" with Asst. Prof. Selin Akyüz

"Being a Feminist Academic at the International Relations Department in the Periphery" with Assoc. Prof. Zehra Yılmaz

"Equal Care Day: Mental Load Study: TED University Sample" with Asst. Prof. Gülçin Con Wright and Asst. Prof. Aylin Çakıroğlu Çevik

"The Agenda of the Global Women's Movement: Problems and Possibilities" with Prof. Alev Özkazanç

"Debates on Istanbul Convention and Feminism in Religious, Conservative and Masculine Discourse" with Assoc. Prof. İlknur Meşe

"'Different' Families Exist"

"Measurement Study of Awareness on Dating Violence" with Research Assistant Tuğçe Çetinkaya

"Men, Masculinity, Violence" with Assoc. Prof. Murat Göç-Bilgin

"Transformation of Public Sphere and Changing Spatial Patterns of Violence in Turkey's New Gender Regime" with Asst. Prof. Selda Tuncer

"Seeking Fitrah: Islamic-Oriented Self-Help Literature in Turkey and Gender" with Asst. Prof. Feyda Sayan Cengiz

"Menstrual Awareness for Those Who Do not Experience Menstruation" with İlayda Eskitaşçıoğlu

"Hope with Labor: Thinking Degrowth Within the Scope of Care Labor" with Dr. Burcu Sarı Karademir

"Determinants of Involved Fatherhood" with Burcu Gündüz Maşalacı

"'Who is Beside You?': Dating Violence and Drama" with A. Furkan Palabıyık

"Masculinities, Feminism, and Queer in Theory and Practice" with Dr. Atilla Barutçu

"The Relationship Between Unions and Women and Gender (In)equality" with Asst. Prof. Dilek Keleş

"Phantom Masculinity" with Asst. Prof. Çimen Günay-Erkol

"The Ones Who Are Left Out of the Canon" with Asst. Prof. Seda Coşar Çelik

"Changing Masculinities and Masculinity Crisis" with Prof. Serpil Sancar

"Peace and Media: Peace Journalism" with Asst. Prof. Duygu Onay Çöker

"A Profile of a Woman from the Tanzimat Period: Fatma Aliye within the Framework of Ottoman Women's Movement" with Dr. Merve Aydoğdu Çelik

"Looking at Sexism Through the New Racism: The Articulation of Racism with Sexism" with Assoc. Prof. Hatice Çoban Keneş

"The Importance of Intersectionality in Gender Equality" with Asst. Prof. Gülçin Con Wright

"A Proposal for Equal Care from Turkey: Purple Economy" with Prof. İpek İlkkaracan

"40 Years of Gender and Women's Studies in Turkey" with Prof. Yıldız Ecevit

“A Passionate Mood of Masculinity: ‘Modified Tofaş’ Youth” with Prof. Şahinde Yavuz

"Sexuality for All: Sexual Health Conference"

"The Patriarchal Circle Between Language, Gender and Violence" with Asst. Prof. Muzaffer Derya Nazlıpınar Subaşı

"A Woman's Identity in 21st Century Istanbul: Tango Dancing Body as a Symbol" with Dr. Melin Levent Yuna

"Potential Masculinity Crisis during the COVID-19 Pandemic" with Research Assistant Dr. Canan Dural Tasouji

"Building Bridges through Women's Language in Emine Sevgi Özdamar's Novel Life is a Caravanserai" with Dr. Şermin Sezer-Toraman

"A Netnographic Analysis of Ayşe Arman’s News Series on Berfin Özek, A Victim of Acid Attack" with Dr. Burcu Asena-Salman

"KEKRE: A Discussion on the Trans Men's Masculinity Constructions in the Framework of Critical Masculinity" with Umut Derin Eroğlan

"Book Launch: Toplumsal Cinsiyet Temelli Şiddetin Çözümünde Erkekler [Men in the Prevention of Gender-Based Violence] - 25th of November, International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women - Special Event" with Dr. Erman Örsan Yetiş

"Literature, Migration, and Women" with Asst. Prof. Şule Okuroğlu Özün

"Violence Against Women, Law No. 6284, and the Function of the Ankara Bar Association's Gelincik Center" with Lawyer and Mediator Nazlı Özlem Atmaca

"Iran - Woman, Life, Freedom" with Asst. Prof. Gülriz Şen

"A Tale of Womanhood in the Periphery: Women Producers in Bingöl" with Dr. Melek Halifeoğlu

"Men in the Kitchen: Looking at Unpaid Domestic Labor Through the Kitchen" with Oğuz Can Ok

"We Talk About Disaster and Gender Issues in the Second Month of the Earthquake"

"Book Talk: The Political Economy of Patriarchy in the Global South" with Dr. Ece Kocabıçak

The XXII. Workshop of Interuniversity Cooperation, Support and Communication Group against Sexual Harassment and Assault

"Fragility of Masculinity and Sexual Violence" with Dr. Fatma Yaşın Tekizoğlu

"Recognizing and Understanding the Discipline of International Relations" with Prof. Duygu Bazoğlu Sezer

"Woman's Surname, Constitutional Court Decision, and the Evaluation of Current Situation"

"Research on Violence against Women in Politics in Turkey - A Qualitative Research" with Assoc. Prof. İlknur Yüksel-Kaptanoğlu, Assoc. Prof. Burcu Hatiboğlu-Kısat and Dr. Çağıl Öngen Köse

"The Promise of Feminist Foreign Policy" with Dr. Ole Frahm

"Is Nonviolent Masculinity Possible?" with Dr. Gülden Sayılan

"Who is Mihri? - Documentary Screening and Interview"

"A Care-Centric Approach to Political Economy: Purple Degrowth" with Dr. Burcu Sarı Karademir

"Rethinking the Relationship between Politics and Women Towards Local Elections" with Assoc. Prof. Zehra Yılmaz

"Trans Male Experiences and Feminism in the Context of Critical Masculinity" with Emirhan Deniz Çelebi

Launch of the Special Section on Sustainable Patriarchy in Turkey in Turkish Studies

"Siyasetin Cinsiyeti: Cinsiyetçiliğe Karşı Kadın Hakları Siyaseti [Gender in Politics: Women's Rights Politics Against Sexism] - Book Launch and Seminar" with Prof. Serpil Sancar

"'This Would Not Have Happened If You Had a Brother': A Qualitative Research on Peasant Women Who Owned Land Through Inheritance in Turkey" with Dr. Esra Demirkol Colosio

"Lipstick and Blood: Revolutionary Asia and US Socialist Feminism" with Cynthia Yuan Gao

"We Are Talking About Violence Against Women and the Istanbul Convention"

“Towards 30 Years of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Shine a Light on Violence Against Women - Causes, Consequences, Solutions”

"Gender and Dating Violence Education" with Yanındayız Association

"An Ecofeminist Approach to Neo-Developmentalism Debate in Latin America" with Assoc. Prof. Esra Akgemci

"Purple Contract: Care Work, Crises, and Public Policies in Shaping Our Everyday Lives" with Dr. Burcu Sarı Karademir

"Beijing+30: Women’s Rights in a Changing World"

Panel and Futsal Match with Çankaya Municipality