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Internship Announcement

Tarih:  -

Our center will accept interns to be assigned for 20 working days between 22 January and 16 February 2024.

Those who want to work as interns at our center are expected to

- Be sensitive to gender equality and interested in gender studies and discussions,

- Have completed at least the first two years of their undergraduate education and

- Be able to regularly participate in studies online or face-to-face for 20 working days.


The studies to be carried out during the internship process are as follows:

1. The Study of Women and Religion

- In this study, literature and internet research will be conducted on women who remove their headscarves. Being a Political Science or Sociology Department student will be preferable for this study.

2. The Study of Experience of Place

- This study will conduct phenomenological research on women’s experiences and their reception of place as embodied subjects. Being an undergraduate/graduate student in the Department of Architecture or the fields of Social Sciences and being fluent in English will be preferable for this study.

3. The Study of Religion, Science, and Gender

- In this study, religious people’s perception of science will be investigated, and the perception of gender roles will be examined as a part of that perception. Being a master’s or Ph.D. student in the Department of Political Science and Sociology will be preferable for this study.

4. The Study of Women, Peace, Security

- In this study, infographic visuals related to the United Nations, women, peace, and security issues will be prepared, and within this framework, an archive of the United Nations calendar will be created. Students in the Department of International Relations who can prepare content for graphic design and social media or students in the Department of Graphic Design who are interested in international relations will be preferred for this study.

5. The Study of Women, Security and Place

- In this study, data will be collected from newspapers, documentaries, and international organizations, and archive work will be carried out regarding all kinds of violence suffered by women during international travels. Being a student in the Department of Sociology, Women’s Studies, Critical Security, Political Science, and International Relations will be preferable for this study.

6. The Study of Femicides

- In this study, media research and discourse analysis will be conducted on news narratives about femicide. Being an undergraduate or graduate student in the Department of Communication or Sociology will be preferable for this study.


The internship will be conducted hybrid (face-to-face or online) with interns residing in Ankara and online with interns outside Ankara. If you want to apply, you can send us your letter of intent explaining why you are interested in the internship at our center, the field of study you want to be involved in (please specify only one study), and your expectations from the internship experience. The letter of intent must be submitted as a Word or PDF file.


Application deadline: 8 January 2024

Our contact address for applications: